Listen along with the score here: (54) A Luta Interna (Internal Struggle), by Dr. Daniel Thrower, for Brass Trio - YouTube
The introductory turbulent feel of the work intimately involves all three players. There is little respite for the nearly two and a half busy minutes of music. Much interplay rhythmically and motivically throughout presents an outward expression of an internal struggle. Within every person to ever live on this earth is a fight that stretches in many directions. Conflicts result from differences in opinion, stresses in relationships, societal demands vs. moral convictions, and even tastes in trivial matters. Internal struggles happen. They often push a person into a very bad day. Ultimately, the aural painting of this work intends to portray the victory of one’s decision to conquer the struggle, musically portraying my adopted mantra: "It's OK to have a bad day; don't let it turn into a bad week!"
Gilded Music Press specializes in brass music and pedagogical materials composed and crafted by Dr. Daniel Thrower. His expertise and experience in the music world are now available in printed or PDF format for the music world's benefit.
For questions, specific requests, or to commission a new work from Dr. Thrower, please contact us via email or phone, below.
"You and your compositions deserve first rate ensembles, they’re that good! It’s an honor to know you and, from time to time, celebrate your wonderful accomplishments."
Dr. Daniel N. Thrower
"Gilded Music Press" was created specifically to make Dr. Daniel Thrower's high-quality music available. Dr. Thrower has been composing music and writing educational supplements for decades. He describes his music as a "personal musical journal". From his work with military ensembles to faculty and students of all ages, his music and teaching materials are created to edify audiences, professional colleagues, students, and himself. Through "Gilded Music Press" the global music community benefits from his excellent research, experience, and creative output. Many have enjoyed and benefited from his work throughout the world, and you will too once you discover his phenomenal products!