"Cacology" is the study of bad word choices and/or poor diction and pronunciation. Articulation markings are music’s diction, the alteration of which creates an entirely different musical meaning. Though every articulation in this short piece is painstakingly spelled out, many trumpeters tend to ignore them, especially during an initial reading, in favor of achieving the notes and rhythms at minimum. Musically speaking, such a reading is the epitome of a cacological phenomenon. And then there’s the scathing plague of “cacks” in general on a brass instrument. This piece indeed poses the potential for those.
This brief work was commissioned by Dr. Louis Eckhardt, Assistant Professor of Music at Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska, in the spring of 2022. The intent of the composition was to be the opener for a solo recital in which all new music was to be premiered. The tonal nature and rapid technical flourishes throughout this 1.5-minute “fanfare” opener excitingly grab the attention of the audience.
Gilded Music Press specializes in brass music and pedagogical materials composed and crafted by Dr. Daniel Thrower. His expertise and experience in the music world are now available in printed or PDF format for the music world's benefit.
For questions, specific requests, or to commission a new work from Dr. Thrower, please contact us via email or phone, below.
"You and your compositions deserve first rate ensembles, they’re that good! It’s an honor to know you and, from time to time, celebrate your wonderful accomplishments."
Dr. Daniel N. Thrower
"Gilded Music Press" was created specifically to make Dr. Daniel Thrower's high-quality music available. Dr. Thrower has been composing music and writing educational supplements for decades. He describes his music as a "personal musical journal". From his work with military ensembles to faculty and students of all ages, his music and teaching materials are created to edify audiences, professional colleagues, students, and himself. Through "Gilded Music Press" the global music community benefits from his excellent research, experience, and creative output. Many have enjoyed and benefited from his work throughout the world, and you will too once you discover his phenomenal products!